Monday, December 19, 2016

The WMD Paradox

At the end of the Gulf war the press kept repeating that" Bush lied, there were no weapons of mass destruction!" If you repeat an untruth enough times, after a while no one argues any more.

Unfortunately, there is just one ugly truth these brilliant people are missing. It is common logic that you cannot prove a negative. You can say that no WMD's were found, (although there were remnants of a WMD program discovered) but you cannot say they were not there. Just that they were not found. Why would Hussein risk losing his entire country and his life rather than let inspectors look for something that wasn't there. Pure stupidity on his part... or was there something to hide we just never found.

Very shortly after Saddam fell, North Korea surprised the world with a nuclear test. No one in the intelligence community had any idea they were even close. Could it be that the technology was originality  in Iraq and purchased by N Korea before the invasion, with the semi truck loads of US currency that was found during the occupation? It would explain a lot.

But let's say for argument there were no WMD's in Iraq, ever. Once North Korea did test a nuclear weapon, who would have been the first person on their door step, with the box truck loads of green backs ready to buy? Saddam Hussein of course. To keep the US from ever attempting to invade.

So either way, the world would be a much scarier place if the US had not invaded Iraq and removed the dictator when we did. The argument of whether we should have or shouldn't have is irrelevant now. Ancient history.

(and yes I understand the Santa Claus and Unicorns defense, but my argument still holds)